Thursday, November 3, 2016

The House Hunting Begins

I live down the street from the Yukon's Best Flour mill, an old relic that the city was built around.

I also don't live in a nice area. For the people who don't know Yukon as well, as soon as I mention Charlemagne Apartments they cringe. These apartments are poorly built and house meth heads to low income residents. I don't live in those apartments, but I do live in the townhouses across the street.

The townhouses don't have a name. They are owned by a small Indian man who attends the Indian Pentecostal Church around the corner. You can easily spot them by the canary yellow color of the buildings with forest green lining and dark red brick walls that fence around the backyard areas and garages. There are only 8 houses and they are sectioned off in the middle of an alley way where the dumpster and tool shed sit between the four houses.

I make my home in the first 4 townhouses closer to the main street. One neighbor moved out 2 months ago, and another was evicted at the beginning of the month. My house sits in between two neighbors so now one side is left open and unprotected.

My boyfriend spoke with other other neighbor this morning as he was taking out the trash. He was getting ready to leave because someone recently broke into his car and robbed his car tags. He also said in the last apartment, number 8, two intruders jumped the brick fence and broke into the house while the family's little boy was home alone and in that same division there is a man who beats his wife. According to the landlord, the tool shed was also broken into 2 weeks ago.

It's unfortunate because the townhouses are fairly nice inside and decent for the rent. They're just not in an opportune area. My boyfriend and I wake up several times a night alert to any noise we hear. I also keep weapons hidden around the house for worse case scenarios. I shouldn't have to feel that paranoid in my own home. I mean, I don't live in New York anymore.

It just doesn't sit right with me feeling like my little family has been dodging bullets, so it's time to start looking for a better place to live. Meeko needs a bigger backyard to run around in anyways.

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