Monday, October 24, 2016

Bargain Deals And Dirty Laundry

I finally have a washer and dryer in my home. It was supposed to be a surprise, but my boyfriend is terrible at keeping secrets and he slipped up in conversation when I asked him about his gardening purchases. (He was ready to argue about the price of the set, but I was talking about the lawnmower.
The fool.)

Dane bought the set on craigslist from a local guy after comparing prices with two other sellers in the Yukon area. The guy was honest and offered to drop the set off at our place and install it for us. I'm very finicky when it comes to pre-owned appliances, but the washer and dryer looked to be in mint condition and fit perfectly in our little space. It even had a little history, the man told us he knew the previous owners very well and that they were clean freaks. It also happened to be one of his buddies that just retired from the Yukon Police Department. Turns out, that very friend was one of the police officers caught up in the Yukon sex scandal getting blow jobs at the nearby gas station. Tsk!

Don't worry, I'll be transitioning to eco- friendly soaps after this.
The man had to replace some of our dryer tubing due to it being ratty and dirty. There hasn't been a washer or dryer prior to me moving in or during the time when Dane lived there with his roommate, so we'll have to talk to the landlord about replacing it entirely. We ran a few test runs and it worked just fine, he even said if there were any issues he'd replace the set entirely for free.

I am very happy because that means I don't have to make the 30- minute drive back to Midwest City anymore to do laundry at my mom's. Dane was getting ready to do his first load of laundry and I noticed immediately he was using softener thinking it was detergent. The blank stare he gave me said it all as I stopped and asked him if he knew what he was doing. I guess i'll be taking care of most of the laundry duties from here on out...

Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Girl's Weekend In Tulsa To See Big Gigantic

I was at work texting my friend Jordan when she was reminiscing of the time she lived in Tulsa before she had her baby and moved back to Yukon. She described Tulsa as having an entirely different vibe from Oklahoma City and that she regrets accepting a raise and moving down to Dallas. The last time I was in Tulsa was for a 30 Seconds to Mars concert and it was in the middle of a freezing winter at night, so I didn't get to do much sight-seeing. She immediately jumped on the idea of taking a girl's trip down to Tulsa for the weekend and I was already amped for it since it was pay day.

I haven't had a girl's night in YEARS. Most of my friends have been busy starting the next chapter in their lives such as grad school, marriage or having babies. Also, since i'm not single anymore, I don't go out as often as I did to get silly drunk. Luckily, Jordan's husband offered to watch the babe as we made plans to catch a Big Gigantic concert at Cain's Ballroom during our stay downtown. I haven't heard of them up until now so I was anticipating a really ridiculous time.

Jordan's friend Carly joined us on our trip, she met Jordan when she was also living in Tulsa at the time. The drive was beautiful as the trees changed colors the closer we got to town. It was my first time seeing a concert at Cain's and we made it right on time for the main gig. Despite being 3 beers and four shots of tequila in, we had a blast. (I was loving the bouncy floors the venue had) and Big Gigantic put on one of the best shows I have ever been to. We didn't stay long and barhopped the rest of the morning before calling it a night back at the hotel.

It makes me laugh to put in perspective how much older we're getting because of how conservative we were dressed compared to the crowd and the fact Jordan had to pump her breasts before and after the night so she wouldn't lactate all over the place. (That pump actually lulled me to sleep..) We woke up early Saturday morning and grabbed brunch at Brookside By Day after some light shopping. Jordan showed me where her old house was and I LOVED this little area by Tulsa. It was really as if I traveled to a smaller town in Colorado. My favorite part was how close everything was and people were out and about walking.

Pardon the shitty phone quality
I took more photos on my disposable camera because I was too busy having a good time to pull out my phone. We will definitely be back for a longer stay next time, especially when I'll have the time and money. It was such a successful trip with the three of us, I think we all needed that girls night.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The First Step In Improvement Is Realizing You Suck

I've been juggling two internships while working on my last semester at UCO, and I'm mostly caught up on my list of things I need to do. At one of my internships I'm currently assisting Individual Artists of Oklahoma re-brand their overall mission and promote their big fundraising event in November called Red Dot. It's an unpaid position, but I'm really excited to be a part of an organization that is very involved within their community and will constantly be growing in the Oklahoma City area.

I'm typically the type of person who works great under pressure. Recently, my dilemma is I've been putting myself in these really stressful situations where I avoid a lot of my work and cram it right before the deadlines. As a result, the work I've been putting out is sub-par and clearly rushed.

I don't know why I do this to myself. I hate it.

My writing has been suffering a lot from this and it's been bothering me. It not only impacts my art internship, but also my e-commerce job when I write copy to promote products and when I write essays for my classes.

I was asked to write a short press release to promote a recent event for kids in the community to have an alternative fall break at an arts camp, so thinking that the task was a piece of cake, I put it off and wrote it in less than 15 minutes. I had a professional colleague that works in public relations revise my work and what she came out with put my copy to shame.

I realize she literally writes for a living and she even comforted me by saying "It took me YEARS to get AP style down."

I'm not entirely concerned because the great thing about internships is that they are meant for you to LEARN, but if I want to further my career in the communications field, I better get my shit together.

Here's a quick resource to refer to if you happen to get in a writing pinch.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

7 Things On Amazon That I Try To Make Sense Of

I currently work as an E-Commerce Marketing Intern for a plastics company here in Oklahoma City. I spend a majority of my week at my desk detailing our products on Amazon and managing the company's sales analytics. Naturally, I'm inclined to venture away from my task and look at all of the latest deals.

I start adding products I want to my wish-list and narrow it down later to what I really need, but let's be real, I don't need to be spending money on anything right now.

I started finding products that were questionable. Who the hell is buying this stuff? Why does it have so many reviews? From there, I would continue to scroll through to find as many random items I could possible.

Here are just a few I found:

$527.99 + $139.99 Shipping

That's right. For almost $700 you can buy a candle that smells just like air.

$12.95  On sale

This Vol. is actually a fun play on Cards Against Humanity, there's more decks and they are all compatible with the original game as well. 


Just in case you wanted the Aloft Hotel version for your fish.


I personally wont need a guide for this. 


A great conversation piece for people with anxiety.


Add a little culture to your pet's life with this teepee. (It also comes in various sizes and patterns)


The description says it all. 
"Perfect for future hipsters"

There's tons of weird stuff out there on Amazon. Feel free to let me know your favorites and how you justify them when you're shopping for the season.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Clear Vision Going On 6 months of Lasik Eye Surgery

Getting my vision corrected has been one of the best investments I have made in 2016. Before my procedure, I was near-sighted almost at a - 6 prescription for both eyes.  I now wake up free from the discomfort of stuffing contacts in my sleepy eyes, being able to watch TV without my glasses shifting off my face, and not planning around a day to go spend money on a new box of lenses.
I received the standard laser vision correction. In this procedure, a thin flap is created on the cornea and is folded open so that a laser can be used to reshape the inner cornea. The flap is then returned to its position and is left to heal naturally. (Thankfully, I have really thick corneas to work with that made me a great candidate for this procedure.)

On the day of my surgery I was given numbing drops in my eyes to prevent discomfort, a small dose of Valium, a warm blanket and a Thunder Rumble doll to hold. The most uncomfortable part of the whole procedure was the device placed on my face to hold my eye lids apart. (You don't feel any pain, but you sure do feel the pressure of it suctioning to your face.) 

The room was freezing and I was placed under a bright light as the eye surgeon sat behind me, looking directly over my head. He told me to keep still and open my eyes wide as he carefully pulled back the flaps of my cornea with a precise surgical tool. It was interesting because the light above me eclipsed over and all I could see was darkness with a crescent of bursting light. He then shifted my head over according to which side he was working on, under the laser that would shape my cornea to correct my vision. The procedure took 3 minutes per eye.

I couldn't feel the laser, but I could hear the loud clicking sound it made and could smell it burning away the cells in my eyes. After, he moved the flaps back over my eyes and I was done! The room was blurry and I couldn't see immediately after as I rushed to put on my darkest shades and walk out to the lobby where my boyfriend sat waiting to drive me home. (Always. Have. A. Driver.)

I was in excruciating pain within minutes of being outside. I spent the day in a dark corner of my room huddled in the corner with a hot pocket. I was provided numbing drops which helped greatly over the next few days before the pain finally subsided and healed after sleeping most of it off. Blood vessels started to surface around the incisions of my eyes for a few weeks making me look crazy. Every now and then I still see bursts of light at night when I drive, but it's not as bad. 

My eyes are still going good as long as I keep them and myself hydrated. (They have a tendency to revert back if not properly cared for.) I only get bad dry-eye effects when I wake up in the morning. Now, I don't even think twice that I even owned glasses or contacts. I would hate to have it done again if needed, but I hopefully i'm good for the next 20 years or until my eyes start aging. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hiking On A Rainy Sunday At The Beautiful Red Rock Canyon

I was anticipating the fall weather to move in and finally cool things down last weekend, so the dreary and drizzly weather made me VERY happy. Our friend, Chris Moranchel suggested we drive about an hour and a half to go hiking out in the small town of Hinton just to get out of the house and explore. The overcast also created the perfect lighting for him to shoot photos of our little family. It was Meeko's first time out on a nature trail with us and he had a blast. I didn't think to bring a sweater, but I stayed warm dashing through the trails with him. Luckily, Meeko didn't run very far before darting back to us when we called him. He didn't have any problems being off a leash, which is great for future adventures.

It was muddy, damp, and cold, but the scenery was beautiful and quiet. Chris did a fantastic job capturing our vibes and our little one who can't seem to keep still for even a second. My boyfriend appears to be far more photogenic than I am and i'm still trying to figure out how I feel about that. We had a lot of fun despite spending at least 30-minutes back at the car pulling out all the stickers stuck to our pants at the end of the trail.

You can check out more of his work on his blog by clicking here.

I'm excited for a plan that is in works for a Vegas road trip in December where we (except for Meeko! He stays with Grandma.) plan on stopping by the Grand Canyon.